Bug 818192
Opened 12 years ago
Closed 12 years ago
Profile Manager is unclickable (mouse) in 18.x and 19.x on KDE and openSuSE Linux
(Firefox :: Untriaged, defect)
of bug 821749
(Reporter: landis, Unassigned)
(2 files)
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:19.0) Gecko/20121204 Firefox/19.0
Build ID: 20121204042015
Steps to reproduce:
start Aurora nightly from symlink with "/home/landis/bin/mozilla/Aurora/firefox %u -P" .
As I always have.
Actual results:
PM dialog appears with my 4 profiles, but...
I can Not click on a profile (choose other than the highlighted 'last') or choose 'Start Aurora' using my mouse, gluidpad or trackpoint.
I can use my arrow keys to navigate through profiles listed and Enter to start.
This has been since either late 17 or early 18.x
I can move the dialog box and the 'buttons' seem to take focus when i hover on them, but do not activate.
Expected results:
I should be able to click with mouse on a listed profile and click on 'Start Aurora' to launch
Comment 1•12 years ago
Could you try to find the regression range with our automated tool ?
e.g. mozregression --good=2012-05-01 --args="-p"
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Comment 2•12 years ago
(In reply to Matthias Versen (Matti) from comment #1)
> Could you try to find the regression range with our automated tool ?
> -
> e.g. mozregression --good=2012-05-01 --args="-p"
I run All openSuSE and SuSE OS pc's with KDE. These systems use 'YaST2 Package Manager' from KDE or the command line zypper utility.
I have an Ubuntu system, but it's basic for my familiarity only. I do Not use regularly.
Do you have a repository where I can call (install) from as an RPM or DRPM ?
I would be glad to help.
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Comment 3•12 years ago
openSuSE 12.2 beta 2 - KDE 4.8.5 rel 2 install - (04.12.12)
YaST2 Package Manager - 'search' python-pip - select - install.
zypper from command line (terminal) - zypper install python-pip.
From command line, type pip install mozregression
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Comment 4•12 years ago
simple terminal text of the installation of python-pip and mozregression via pip from a command line.
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Comment 5•12 years ago
(In reply to Matthias Versen (Matti) from comment #1)
> Could you try to find the regression range with our automated tool ?
> -
> e.g. mozregression --good=2012-05-01 --args="-p"
i've downloaded, installed and run mozregression.
problem, it downloads, installs and runs nightly builds, but by passes Profile Manager, which is the issue I'm having..
Is there a switch, known to you, that forces PM to run and be use?
Comment 6•12 years ago
>mozregression --good=2012-05-01 --args="-p"
the --args="-p" should call the profilemanager
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Comment 7•12 years ago
(In reply to Matthias Versen (Matti) from comment #6)
> >mozregression --good=2012-05-01 --args="-p"
> the --args="-p" should call the profilemanager
thanks, but it does not. i've tried --args=-P, args="-P", args="ProfileManager" etc... some are called bad options by mozregression and some are not and do nothing and some are passed to the url (location bar)...
I've found that a 'double click' will change profile selection and cancel or run Aurora.
I thought the double click worked in 18, but thought i may have been just lucky.
I've changed transparency (KDE desktop), but does not help.
There is Nothing on my openSuSE Linux / KDE system that requires 'double click' and PM did not until 18.x sometime.
Again, the 'buttons' and profile names highlight, but do not activate without a very quick 'double click'...
If someone can tell me how to launch ProfileManager with mozregression, I will try again. or
if i have time i will download and install older versions myself, without mozregression
Comment 8•12 years ago
Landis, I found some links. Hopefully they will help you.
Updated•12 years ago
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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